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What is neuroplasticity, and why should we care? If you’ve just hopped onto the StudyTime website,...

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How to Juggle the Internal Rush

It’s mid-year(ish), internals are coming in hot as you get into the swing of...


What is neuroplasticity, and why should we care? If you’ve just hopped onto...

Understanding Science Subjects

It’s no secret that science - be it chemistry, physics, or biology - is a...

8 Solutions to Your Study Problems

After a wild year filled with Covid restrictions and teacher absences, exam...

What To Do When Your Goals Aren’t Going To Plan

We all know that sinking feeling you get when you realise that you aren’t...

How to Finally “Get” Maths, Once and for All

There’s nothing I hated at high school more than Maths.  Not only were my...

Moving Onwards and Upwards After Exams

Logging into NZQA for external results feels like a cold slap-in-the-face to...

Planning your University Studies

In your last few years of high school, things can get pretty exciting. More...

Types of Learners Don’t Exist

Have you ever seen a really good diagram in class, and it just made so much...

Has Your Motivation Hit a Wall? Here’s How To Push Through

Do you find yourself going to the library only to waste your day staring at a...

Moving Onwards and Upwards After Exams

Logging into NZQA for external results feels like a cold slap-in-the-face to...

Maintaining New Habits

Introducing a new habit can be tough. It’s too easy to get demotivated, you...

The Study Method You’re Forgetting: Retrieval Methods

Retrieval methods refer to the ability to access information from your noggin...

How to Finally “Get” Maths, Once and for All

There’s nothing I hated at high school more than Maths.  Not only were my...


What is neuroplasticity, and why should we care? If you’ve just hopped onto...

How to Improve Your Focus In and Out of the Classroom

We know what it’s like. You’re sitting in your fifth period class, trying to...

Recognition Versus Recall

What’s the Difference? If we were to insert the Burger King logo here and...

Planning your University Studies

In your last few years of high school, things can get pretty exciting. More...

7 Things to Remember Before Results Are Out

NCEA results come out tomorrow.  Whether you’re actively dreading it or...

How to Study with Past Exams

Attempting past exam papers seems like a solid use of your study time when you...

How to Finally “Get” Maths, Once and for All

There’s nothing I hated at high school more than Maths.  Not only were my...

How to Study with Past Exams

Attempting past exam papers seems like a solid use of your study time when you...

Has Your Motivation Hit a Wall? Here’s How To Push Through

Do you find yourself going to the library only to waste your day staring at a...

How to Effectively Study with a Past Paper

So you’ve decided that since exams are coming up, it might be time to do some...

How To Plan an Internal

We don't think we're being dramatic when we say internals are the single worst...

Understanding Science Subjects

It’s no secret that science - be it chemistry, physics, or biology - is a...

Writing in the Real World

Do you groan internally when your English teacher announces that you need to...


What is neuroplasticity, and why should we care? If you’ve just hopped onto...

Dealing with Multiple Assessments

Having a mile-long list of things you need to get done is one of the worst...

Timetabling Options for the Busy Student

With mock exams right around the corner, and NCEA externals following soon...