StudyTime was born from Inspiration Education, an NCEA tutoring company.
Since its creation, we’ve been equipping our students with the skills and knowledge to succeed at school.
After some time under our belt, we realised how many kids were facing the exact same struggles at school, through no fault of their own.
There’s always been a gap between the intense pressure placed on young people and the available support to help them get there. StudyTime is our first step towards bridging that gap.
Made by us, for you.
We’re a bunch of ex-students using our knowledge of high-school to help you through. Our content is easy-to-read and specialised to the unique challenges of the modern high-schooler.
It’s tailored to your education.
Ever found a resource for studying and found that it doesn’t quite hit the mark? Look no more. StudyTime, with the help of its tutoring cousin Inspiration Education, knows the contemporary NZ curriculum like the back of its hand. All of our resources are designed to get you through NCEA.
Structured for maximum learning
StudyTime is always looking to expand our range of resources, so this is only a small taste of what we still want to do for you. All resources on our website are currently zero or low cost and all profits made from our priced items go back into making StudyTime even better.